Your Child is Unique

The school experience undeniably plays a huge role in a child’s development. For children who struggle with academic, social, or behavioral challenges, it is even more important to provide support and guidance to develop future success. Mardan offers a specialized school environment for children who need an alternative to typical school settings in order to thrive.

The Mardan Difference is defined by the following organizing principles:

Recognizing That One Size Never Fits All
Your child is a unique individual with a distinct personality and learning style. We prioritize the need to learn about each of our students’ unique needs so that we can tailor individualized education plans that address these needs and maximize their potential.

Providing Consistent Structure
Class sizes are small in every grade level, never exceeding student/teacher ratios of 1 to 6 and often going as low as 1 to 3 in the primary grades. This allows us to maintain consistent structure and school-home communication, and ensure the physical and emotional safety of every student.

Embracing the ‘Whole Child’
Our programs place equal emphasis on academic achievement, social awareness, and emotional well-being to help children reach life success. Our full school day offers a rigorous California State Standards curriculum, therapeutic supports, social skills instruction, and necessary interventions.

Valuing Community
Mardan believes in the value of a child’s personal community working together. We foster a mutually respectful environment where all students are guided in developing positive relationships with staff and peers. We also work closely with families and service providers to create an individualized support team for every student.

Going Beyond the Grade
Our teachers motivate students to find satisfaction in learning as its own reward. They use a variety of instructional approaches, including multi-sensory activities and technological tools, to provide experiences that attach meaning to learning goals.

Learn more about our specific program offerings.